Motec C185 User Manual

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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - - Combined Display Logger

USER MANUALC185- Combined Display Logger

Page 2 - MoTeC C185 User Manual

MoTeC Introduction 5 E888/E816 The C185 supports two E888 or E816 Expanders allowing expansion of the number of inputs and outputs. The E888 has 8

Page 3 - Contents

6 Introduction MoTeC analysis of the data including maths calculations, while the vehicle is still on the track. Other telemetry features include:

Page 4 - MoTeC C185 User Manual

MoTeC 7 Introduction Remote Displays A remote display device may be connected to the C185 to allow display of any value that the C185 calculates, su

Page 5

8 Installation MoTeC Installation Mounting and Wiring C185 has three threaded mounting posts. For further detail see Mounting Dimensions. Mounting

Page 6 - Introduction

MoTeC Installation 9 • Use the correct crimping tool for all contacts to ensure a reliable connection. • Power the C185 via a separate switch and

Page 7 - Software

10 Installation MoTeC These inputs can also be used to measure two wire variable resistance sensors if an external pull-up resistor is connected fro

Page 8 - System Overview

MoTeC Installation 11 sensors varies with speed of rotation, variable trigger levels are required, which must vary with the frequency of the input

Page 9 - Expanders

12 Installation MoTeC CAN (Controller Area Network) Communications This protocol enables communication between all devices connected to the same bu

Page 10 - Accessories

MoTeC Installation 13 Connecting Devices Examples Device Connect via Remarks Sensors Inputs: The appropriate input type depends on the sensor ty

Page 11 - Lambda Measurement

14 Installation MoTeC Software Installation C185 Dash Manager Software C185 Dash Manager software is used for configuration, testing, retrieving th

Page 12 - Other Devices

MoTeC C185 User Manual Copyright © 2014 – MoTeC Pty Ltd The information in this document is subject to change without no

Page 13 - Installation

MoTeC 15 Installation i2 Standard is included, while i2 Pro requires the optional Pro Analysis upgrade. See C185 Upgrades. i2 Pro provides advanced

Page 14 - Connecting Devices

16 Configuration MoTeC Configuration All aspects of the C185 can be configured including, which sensor is connected to which input, the calibration

Page 15 - 10 Installation MoTeC

MoTeC Configuration 17 Tip: The most recently used files appear at the bottom of the File menu. This is often the easiest way to open an existing f

Page 16 - Communications

18 Configuration MoTeC Fuel Pressure Oil Pressure Wheel Speed Front Wheel Speed Rear Engine RPM Engine Temperature Alarm Warning Light Gear Channel

Page 17 - RS232 Serial Communications

MoTeC Configuration 19 Channel Properties Each channel has defined properties, some of which may be modified by the user. Predefining these propert

Page 18 - Connecting Devices Examples

20 Configuration MoTeC Selecting Channels There are two methods of selecting channels, either the Category Method or the Search Method. Category Met

Page 19 - Software Installation

MoTeC 21 ConfigurationSearch Method This method lists all channels in alphabetical order and allows a channel to be found either by typing the fir

Page 20 - Connecting the C185 to a PC

22 Configuration MoTeC Connections Configuring Inputs • On the Connections menu, click Devices • Select the device (e.g. C185) and then click the

Page 21 - Configuration

MoTeC Configuration 23 Comms Templates Communication templates are available for most connected MoTeC devices. When MoTeC releases new products, ne

Page 22 - Channels

24 Configuration MoTeC Functions Data Logging Data logging allows sensor readings and calculated values to be stored in the C185 memory for later an

Page 23 - 18 Configuration MoTeC

C185 User Manual MoTeC Contents Introduction ... 1Features ...

Page 24 - Channel Properties

MoTeC Configuration 25 Logging Setup Files The logging list can be saved and loaded from a file. This allows multiple logging setups to be used. Lo

Page 25 - Selecting Channels

26 Configuration MoTeC The anti-alias filter is used to average out any variations in the signal between logged values. This ensures that unrepresen

Page 26 - Search Method

MoTeC Configuration 27 Track Map Sensor Requirements In order for the i2 Data Analysis software to plot a track map the following sensors are requi

Page 27 - Connections

28 Configuration MoTeC Display The C185 display is a high contrast, high brightness colour LCD display. The displayed channels and labels are config

Page 28 - Calculations

29 MoTeC ConfigurationDisplay Modes (Pages) The display has three display modes; the default names are Race, Practice and Warmup. The mode is chan

Page 29 - Functions

30 Configuration MoTeC Dial or Bar Graph (depending on style chosen) Example dial Example sweep bar Example linear bar The dial or bar graph h

Page 30 - Anti-Alias Filter

31 MoTeC ConfigurationTop Displays The three numeric displays shown above can be programmed to display any channel value. The numeric displays c

Page 31 - 26 Configuration MoTeC

32 Configuration MoTeC Centre Display The centre display is normally used to display the current gear but can be used for other purposes. Bottom D

Page 32 - MoTeC Configuration 27

33 MoTeC ConfigurationAt the bottom, up to 20 lines can be accommodated, with each line containing up to 3 channel values at a time. The label abo

Page 33 - Display

34 Configuration MoTeC The warning alarm limits are fully programmable and may include up to 6 comparisons to ensure that the alarms are only activa

Page 34 - Gain / Loss Bar

MoTeC C185 User Manual Other Functions ... 36Operation ...

Page 35 - 30 Configuration MoTeC

MoTeC Configuration 35 Display Creator Settings tab This tab is used to define page display behaviour. Note: The channels selected on this tab must

Page 36 - Top Displays

36 MoTeC Configuration Other Functions The C185 can perform many other functions accessible from the Functions menu including the following: • Shif

Page 37 - Bottom Display

MoTeC Operation 37 Operation To perform any of the activities in the Online menu, the PC needs to communicate to the C185. Note: All other menu it

Page 38 - Four Line Style

38 Operation MoTeC Checking Operation Monitor Channels • On the Online menu, click Monitor Channels • To show any channel on an oscilloscope style

Page 39 - Display Formatting

MoTeC Operation 39 Configuration files can be updated by choosing the option to automatically update the configuration file while updating the soft

Page 40 - MoTeC Configuration 35

40 MoTeC Operation o Erase Logged Data without unloading o Serial Number to view the Serial and Hardware Number. The Serial Number is required whe

Page 41 - Other Functions

MoTeC Appendices 41 Appendices Specifications Specifications listed as optional are available as upgrades to customise and grow your system. These

Page 42 - Operation

42 Appendices MoTeC Internal Sensors • 3 axis G sensor • Dash temperature sensor • Sensor supply voltage • Battery voltage Communications • 4

Page 43 - Checking Operation

MoTeC Appendices 43 C185 Upgrades Several options are available as upgrades to customise and grow your system. These additional features are activa

Page 44 - Other Online Activities

44 Appendices MoTeC Characteristics Input Characteristics Analogue Voltage Inputs Suitable for: Potentiometers Voltage output sensors Variable re

Page 46 - Appendices

MoTeC Appendices 45 Analogue Temp Inputs Suitable for: 2 wire variable resistance sensors some voltage output sensors Measure Voltage Range: 0 to

Page 47

46 Appendices MoTeC Digital Inputs Suitable for: Switch to 0 V Logic signal and open collector device (e.g. Hall Switch) Pull-up Resistor: 2200 o

Page 48 - C185 Upgrades

MoTeC Appendices 47 Speed Inputs Hall mode A 2200 ohm pull-up resistor connected to 2.7 V. Suitable for: Switch to 0 V Logic signal Open collector

Page 49 - Characteristics

48 Appendices MoTeC Period 100 usec Measures period between falling edges Resolution 100 usec Maximum 3.2 sec Pulse Width 1 usec Measures pulse

Page 50 - Switch Inputs

MoTeC Appendices 49 Analogue Input Sampling 4 times oversampling is scheduled with samples taken every 250 usec, providing measurements every 1 mse

Page 51 - Digital Inputs

50 Appendices MoTeC Pin List by Pin Number Pin Name Function 1 AV15 Analogue Voltage Input 15 2 AV16 Analogue Voltage Input 16 3 AV17 Analo

Page 52 - Speed Inputs

MoTeC Appendices 51 Pin Name Function 26 AV14 Analogue Voltage Input 14 27 0V Sensor 0 V 28 5V Sensor 5 V 29 Reserved 30 Reserved 31

Page 53 - 48 Appendices MoTeC

52 Appendices MoTeC Pin Name Function 53 DIG2 Digital Input 2 54 DIG3 Digital Input 3 55 DIG4 Digital Input 4 56 0V Sensor 0 V 57 SW1 Swi

Page 54 - Output Characteristics

MoTeC Appendices 53 Pin List by Function Pin Name Function Battery Power 7 BAT- Battery Negative 8 BAT+ Battery Positive Analogue Voltage Inputs

Page 55 - Pin List by Pin Number

54 Appendices MoTeC Pin Name Function Analogue Temp Inputs 34 AT1 Analogue Temp Input 1 35 AT2 Analogue Temp Input 2 36 AT3 Analogue Temp In

Page 56 - MoTeC Appendices 51

MoTeC Introduction 1 Introduction The C185 comes standard as a combined full colour display, powerful control device and fully programmable data lo

Page 57 - 52 Appendices MoTeC

MoTeC Appendices 55 Pin Name Function 10 AUX2 Auxiliary Output 2 11 AUX3 Auxiliary Output 3 12 AUX4 Auxiliary Output 4 13 AUX5 Auxiliary

Page 58 - Pin List by Function

56 Appendices MoTeC Pin Name Function 76 CAN2H CAN 2 High / RS232 Receive Input 71 CAN3L CAN 3 Low 72 CAN3H CAN 3 High 59 CAN4L CAN 4 Low

Page 59

MoTeC Appendices 57 Mounting Dimensions C185 Note: • All dimensions in [mm] • Ensure product is not stressed when mounted • Dimensions indi

Page 60 - CAN Interface

58 Appendices MoTeC Wiring Connector C185 connector 79 pin Autosport connector Mating connector #68086 Wire Specification Wire Wire to suit C185

Page 61 - Reserved

MoTeC Appendices 59 PC Connection Ethernet Wiring Schematic: ADL3 / C185 Ethernet Connector pin Pin Function Pin Function 77 Ethernet RX +

Page 62 - Mounting Dimensions

60 Appendices MoTeC CAN Bus Wiring Requirements • The CAN bus should consist of a twisted pair trunk with 100R (0.25 watt) terminating resistors a

Page 63 - Wiring

MoTeC Appendices 61 C185 to ECU wiring (RS232) The following details the methods for connecting the C185 to the various MoTeC ECUs via RS232. In al

Page 64 - PC Connection

62 Appendices MoTeC Using a CIM Module Refer to the CIM module drawing for full wiring details. Note: The data to the C185 will be interrupted whil

Page 65 - CAN Bus Wiring Requirements

MoTeC Appendices 63 Update Rate Summary Device Input Type Maximum Update Rate (per second) C185 Analogue Voltage Inputs 1000 C185 Analogue Te

Page 66 - C185 to ECU wiring (RS232)

64 Appendices MoTeC Command line Usage: dash.exe -c[connection] -d -x -l -e -t -s [config file name] [config file name] (Optional) Fully qualifi

Page 67 - 62 Appendices MoTeC

2 Introduction MoTeC • Telemetry (T2) and remote logging options Display • Colour TFT LCD, anti-reflective • 12 customisable layout options • Cu

Page 68 - Update Rate Summary

MoTeC Appendices 65 Tasks : One or more of the following may be specified. -l (Optional) Perform a “Get Logged Data” operation. -e (Optional) Per

Page 69 - Command line

66 Appendices MoTeC CAN Bus Bandwidth Limit The total available CAN bandwidth available on a single CAN bus is 1 Mbit/sec. The bandwidth used by th

Page 70 - Tasks :

MoTeC Appendices 67 Comms Error Codes The "Comms CAN x Diagnostic" and "Comms RS232 Diagnostic" channels seen can be used to di

Page 71 - CAN Bus Bandwidth Limit

68 Appendices MoTeC 8 OVERRUN Receive or transmit overrun error. In the receive case a byte was received before the previous byte was read indicat

Page 72 - Comms Error Codes

MoTeC Appendices 69 256 BAD CONFIG Configuration mismatch between C185 and device. Resend the configuration. 512 NO DATA VIMCOM packets have n

Page 73 - "VIMCOM" Errors

70 Appendices MoTeC PC Connection - IP Address Basic Direct Connection (Automatic IP Address) The simplest way to connect the C185 to a PC is direct

Page 74 - MoTeC Appendices 69

MoTeC Appendices 71 Fast Direct Connection (Fixed IP Address) If the Basic Direct Connection method takes too long to connect, a more advanced set

Page 75 - PC Connection - IP Address

72 Appendices MoTeC To configure the PC with a fixed IP address: 1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel 2. Double click on Network Connections 3

Page 76 - MoTeC Appendices 71

MoTeC Appendices 73 Network Switches and Cables The C185 must be connected to the network via a network switch. All MoTeC's PC connection cabl

Page 77 - Network Connection

74 Appendices MoTeC Windows Keyboard Shortcuts When using a laptop in and around a car, it is often not practical to use a mouse to navigate through

Page 78 - Network Switches and Cables

3 MoTeC IntroductionCompatibility • MoTeC ECUs: M4*, M48*, M8*, M400, M600, M800, M880, M1 • MoTeC Accessories: VIM, SVIM, E888, E816, SLM, P

Page 79 - Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

MoTeC Appendices 75 Selecting an Item in a Window To access the various items in a window, press ALT + the key for the underlined letter of the it

Page 80 - Using the Selected Item

76 Appendices MoTeC Group Box The Group box is used to select an item from a group of options. Press ALT + the key for the underlined letter (F, A

Page 81 - 76 Appendices MoTeC

MoTeC Appendices 77 Press ALT + the key for the underlined letter (L) or use the TAB key to navigate to the Drop down List Box. To select the desir

Page 82 - MoTeC Appendices 77

78 Appendices MoTeC Glossary MoTeC DevicesACL Advanced Central Logger ADL2 Advanced Dash Logger - second generation C185 Colour Display Loge

Page 83 - Glossary

MoTeC 79 Appendices PDM16 Power Distribution Module with 16 outputs PDM30 Power Distribution Module with 30 outputs PDM32 Power Distribution Mo

Page 85 - 80 Notes

4 Introduction MoTeC Typical Devices Used With C185 ECUs The C185 can be connected to most MoTeC ECUs and some other manufacturers' models eith

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